Hello there folks,

it's been some time since I could find some to write here. I hope you guys are doing all fine, I know these days are hard for everyone. Well yesterday our lives got a little bit harder, because we had to face this cycle called 'Burevi', It passed through Vavuniya District yesterday, and caused significant damage. According to media it destroyed 15 houses completely, and four people went missing. I am not a fan of Sri Lankan government but I should say that Sri Lankan Meteorology Department did take many actions to minimize the casualties.

Well but government is not good with handling covid-19 after all. Hate to say but they've already militarized most of the things related to controlling the virus. And there is some unrest inside prisons, and human rights activists in Sri Lanka are speaking for these captives and a full and impartial investigation into the death of these captives. I don't think there will be any unbiased investigations related to this matter, because Sri Lanka doesn't have a good reputation when it comes to human rights. Specially when the new prime minister is a former secretary of defense. And it explains all this militarization too.

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