🦦 Hi there!

I'm still setting things up for the time being, but content will exist here soon!

About Me

I'm Aemilia, an Australian software engineer in the indie game industry with a bizarre amalgamous accent with strong passions for computing history far beyond boring homecoms and UNIX, Electronics repair, rendering pretty things with computers and doing it all the Right Wayâ„¢.

What's to come

I presently have 5 long-form articles in the works, some of which may not make it, but will be posted here. I also plan on putting up a Gemlog for shorter form writings on a smaller timescale.

Topics will range from AI/LLMs/VLMs, the Outernet/Smolnet and Fediverse, computing history outside of what everyone already talks about, and the culture of the Internet as a whole.


This instance is presently running on Jetforce, but when I can find the time to work on it, it will transition to my Gemini Daemon RubyStar:

RubyStar is a Gemini daemon written in Ruby, well threaded with strong concurrency, and meant to be entirely compatible with Jetforce's CGI implementation. My personal goal is to be the Nginx to Jetforce's Apache :)


As of today (2023-05-04 Australian Time), a project I've been contributing to launched.

Introducing PERMACOMPUTER, available on Gemini and Gopher



PERMACOMPUTER is a degrowth and permacomputing focused open letter, signatory list and hopefully more in the future.

I'll be writing a more in depths article about this Soonâ„¢ about how this is important to me, but for the time being, I urge you to please give the letter a read and if you agree, sign your name!

In the meantime...

You can find me, somewhat actively but not as much as I'd like, over on the fediverse.


PGP Pubkey

I also recommend checking out these cool people and places.

Arcane Sciences


Hyperliminal Trauma Recovery Centre (cw: fucked up shit)

Nightfall City

Cyberpunks in Space

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